martes, 29 de julio de 2014

Eternal sunshine

Has cerrado
los enormes agujeros de gusano,
que expulsaban la basura al otro lado.
En el vórtice espacial sobre mi cama
donde ahora te veo tumbada.

las barreras levantadas por desastres
naturales que nacieron de quedarme
con lo malo del recuerdo de fantasmas.
En los tiempos que faltabas.

Eres luz, que va llenando
cada espacio hueco que se va encontrando.
Eres luz, que va despertándome
con fonemas sordos de un lenguaje extraño. 

Misterio, camina despacio.
Te regalo el sonido del mar.
Libre, desnuda de mí hasta los huesos
de la única forma en la que seguirás.

Luciendo, en la oscura caverna del pecho,
donde guardo mis tratados de paz.
Caótica, destruyes montañas de fuego.
Explosiones que barren la sal.

Misterio, camina despacio.
Te regalo el sonido del mar.
Libre, desnuda de mí hasta los huesos
de la única forma en la que seguirás.

Eres luz, que va llenando
cada espacio hueco que se va encontrando.
Eres luz, que va despertándome
con fonemas sordos de un lenguaje extraño.

See you Space Cowboy. . . 

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

De frikis mal y mangoneo.

Voy a hablaros de un personaje conocido en el mundillo del frikimalismo como Shanks. Algunos lo conocéis, otros no, no os preocupéis que ahora os lo presento.
Este tipo, que me conoció en una convención por que llevaba una cámara a cuestas, me propuso más de 8 meses atrás trabajar para su “empresa” de juegos para una convención en Junio. Se trataba de promocionar este videojuego con un cosplay. Hasta ahí todo bien, si no fuera por que me propuso un personaje que únicamente llevaba por ropa una cinta tapándole las tetas…Ahí ya empezó la cosa a oler un poco mal, pero era trabajo bien remunerado en principio y yo acepté.
Después de ir asegurándome que todo iba bien y de pasarme millones de archivos y fotografías para hacerme a la idea del diseño del pj, empezó insistentemente a interesarse por otras cosas que poco tenían que ver con el trabajo. Repasar todo mi perfil en busca de fotografías de su agrado, comentarme lo “sexy” que era en esta u otra foto…Sabia que tenia pareja, le daba lo mismo, seguía intentando quedar conmigo para “hablar del trabajo” cuando en realidad sólo me tiraba los trastos de manera muy triste. Esto se conoce, por que me lo han dicho ellas mismas, que lo ha hecho con varias chicas del círculo del cosplay en BCN, más o menos conocidas en general. Ha ido dando “trabajo” a cualquier tía que le parecía mona y a la que creía poder ligarse con la excusa barata de tener algo que les interesara y que en estos tiempos que corren la verdad…Es muy rastrero.
Semanas después de ver que sólo hacia que darle largas, desapareció de los mensajes privados, no dio señales de vida hasta que hace unos 3 meses le pregunté por las fechas del evento y si seguía todo adelante.

 (Apliar para leer bien.)

De ahí en adelante básicamente hablamos del diseño del nuevo personaje que podría hacer y de lo bonito que es y etc.…Además de pedirme el tallaje para una camiseta de Staff y de seguir queriendo quedar para el salón del cómic para ultimar detalles.
Siguiente conversación:
 (Apliar para leer bien.)
Creo que se explica todo con esto, no es necesario ni justificarlo.
Sé que la culpa no deja de ser mía, of course, estupida de mi por creerme la palabra de un friki mal random, pero no deja de cabrearme ese tipo de actitud, por que se repite constantemente con mucha otra gente que no son tan friáis mal y que también juegan con el trabajo de los demás.
Esto no lo hago por pura Vendetta, que podría, lo hago para que no os mangoneen los tolais como este a ninguna ni a ninguno. Yo he aprendido la lección con 25 años, algo tarde, es lo que hay, de todo se aprende.

See you, space cowboy. . .

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

The Underthing.
I had been playing for almost and hour when i heard a rustling movement in the overgrown courtyard below. Then Auri appeared, scurrying up the overgrown apple tree and onto the roof.
She ran toward me, he bare feet skipping lightly across the tar, her hair blowing out behind her. “I heard you!” she said as she came close. ” I heard you all the way down in vaults!”
“I seem to remember” i said slowly, “that i was going to play music for someone.”
“Me!” She held both her hands close to her chest, grinning. She moved from foot to foot, almost dancing with her eagerness. “Play for me! I have been as patient as two stones together,” she said. “You are just in time. I could not be as patient as three stones.”
“Well,” I said hesitantly. “I suppose it all depends on what you’ve brought me”
She laughed, rising up onto the balls of her feet, her hands still together close to her chest. “What did you bring me?”
I knelt and began to untie my bundle. “I’ve brought you three things,” I said.
“How traditional,” she said, grinning. “you are quite the proper young gentleman tonight”
“I am.” I held up a heavy dark bottle.
She took it with both hands. “Who made it?”
“Bees,” I said. “And brewers in Bredon.”
Auri smiled. “That’s three bees,” she said, and set the bottle down by her feet. I brought out a round loaf of fresh barley bread. She reached out and touched it with a finger, then nodded approvingly.
Last i brought out a whole smoked salmon. It had cost four drabs by itself, but i worried Auri didn’t get enough meat in whatever she managed to scrounge up when i wasn’t around. It would be good for her.
Auri looked down at it curiously, tilting her head to look into it’s single staring eye. “Hello fish,” she said. The she looked back up at me. “Does it have a secret?”
I nodded. “It has a harp instead of a heart.”
She looked back down at it. “No wonder it looks so surprised.”
Auri took the fish out of my hands and laid it carefully on the roof. “Now stand up. I have three things for you, as is only fair.”
I came to my feet and she help out something wrapped in a piece of cloth. It was a thick candle that smelled of lavender. “What’s inside of it?” I asked.
“Happy dreams,” she said. “I put them there for you”
I turned the candle over in my hands, a suspicion forming. “Did you make this yourself?”
She nodded and gave a delighted grin. “I did. I am terribly clever.”
I tucked it carefully into one of the pockets of my cloak. “Thank you, Auri.”
Auri grew serious. “Now close your eyes and bend down so i can give you your second present.”
Puzzled, i closed my eyes and bent at the waist, wondering if she had made me a hat as well.
I felt her hands on either side of my face, then she gave me a tiny delicate kiss in the middle of my forehead.
Surprised, i opened my eyes. But she was already standing several steps away, her hands clasped nervously behind her back. I couldn’t think of anything to say.
Auri took a step forward. “You are special to me,” she said seriously, her face grave. “I want you to know i will always take care of you.” She reached out tentatively and wiped my cheeks. “No. None of that tonight. This is your third present. If things are bad, you can come and live with me in the Underthing. It is nice there, and you will be safe.”
“Thank you, Auri,” I said as soon as i was able. “You are special to me, too.”
“Of course i am,” she said matter-of-factly. “I am as lovely as the moon.”
Kvothe & Auri (The Wise man's fear- Patrick Rothfuss.)
See you, space cowboy. . .


domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

For Good...

I'm limited
Just look at me
I'm limited
And just look at you you can do all I couldn't do
So now it's up to you
For both of us
Now it's up to you
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good
And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood
Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better
And because I knew you...
Because I knew you...
Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good...

See you, space cowboy. . .